• Mon-Sat (9:30AM - 8:30PM)
    Sun (10:00AM - 1:00PM)
  • RR Signature Apartments,
    Osman Sagar Road, Manchirevula,
    Gandipet, Hyderabad-500075.

Traditional Braces / Orthodontic Treatment

Braces work by placing a metal bracket onto the surface of each tooth and connecting them via wires, and although the procedure has been successfully used for decades to treat misaligned bites or crooked teeth, it’s one of those dental appliances that’s painfully obvious. So while many people do want straight teeth, they’re deterred by visions of a mouth full of metal.

Clear Braces vs. Metal Braces

Clear braces operate similarly to traditional braces with a bracket on each tooth and a wire threaded between them. The biggest difference is that these brackets and wires are made out of tooth-colored resin that matches the surrounding teeth, making them practically invisible.